Our portable flow solutions are ultrasonic, clamp on and non-invasive, for closed pipe applications. This means no interruption to process and no downtime whilst the portable flow meters are installed. The Portaflow range brings simplicity to the non-invasive measurement of liquid flow. Portaflow offers the user quick and accurate flow measurement. And with its easy to follow menu and simple set up results can be achieved within minutes of opening the case!

HVAC and flow system surveys,
Check system meters,
Pump verification,
Boiler testing,
Leak detection,
Filter sizing,
Ultrapure water measurement,
Heavy fuel oil metering,
Condensate measurement,
Balancing systems,
Clean in place evaluation,
Fire system testing,
Hydraulic system testing
Clamping diameter Now available with both A and B sensors
‘A’ Transducers: 13mm OD to 115mm OD pipes IP54 with IP68 option
‘B’ Transducers: 50mm OD to 1000mm OD pipes IP54 with IP68 option
Transducer Operating Temp -20°C to +135°C
Turn Down Ratio 100:1
3 x Pulse Output
Pulse or Frequency
Opto-isolated MOSFET relay
Max Current: 150mA
Isolation: >100V AC/DC
Pulse for volume flow and alarms, frequency for flow rate
The pulse outputs can be configured including: flow totals, loss of signal, low flow alarms
4-20mA Output 4-20mA flow proportional output, optically isolated 1500 volts, 620 ohms maximum load
Volumetric mode Pulse repetition rates: up to 50 pulses/sec (depending on pulse width)
Frequency mode Max. pulse frequency: 200Hz
Flow at max frequency User selectable
Data Logging 100,000,000 data points. 12 named sites. Download via USB to CSV file and export to Excel. Logs application details, time, date, flow rate, forward total, reverse total, flow velocity, flow side temperature, return side temperature, temperature difference, power, total energy, signal quality, signal SNR, signal status
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