Level One Ultrasound Certification Course

Level 1 Ultrasound Certification course is a three day comprehensive mix of theory and practical experience. Students are exposed to introductory sound theory and how it is applied to the inspection disciplines demanded by an effective airborne ultrasound program. This course aims to promote inspector confidence by having a deeper understanding of ultrasound technology and to ensure inspectors meet the standard level of knowledge and expertise.
This course is HRD corp claimable!
Course Objectives:
  • Understanding the principles of ultrasound as applied to predictive maintenance
  • Gaining knowledge on generic ultrasound equipment: airborne and structure-borne sensors and their functions
  • Explore data acquisition and storage options
  • Analysing and trending data, utilizing time signal analysis and setting up statistical decibel alarms
  • In depth study of ultrasound applications; leak detection, bearing lubrication and monitoring, steam trap and valve inspection, electrical systems analysis, hydraulic inspections and more.
  • Assess equipment to determine severity priorities.
  • Recommendations to implement an ultrasound program
Date 14th to 16th August 2023
Venue Concorde Hotel Kuala Lumpur
Language English
Contact Mr Koh
07-3882010 / 012-7751020
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