Relay Software

Megger’s advanced relay testing software is designed to make the complex task of relay testing simpler. Intuitive colour screen graphics with a vast library of digital and electromechanical relay routines from relay manufactures across the world.


  • Microsoft® Windows® XP® Service Pack 3/Vista™/7/8/10 compatible software program
  • RTMS is available in Standard and Enhanced levels 
RTMS, Relay Test Management Software, is the culmination of over 35 years of automatic relay testing experience. RTMS is a Microsoft® Windows® XP® Service Pack 3/Vista™/7/8/10 compatible software program designed to manage all aspects of protective relay testing using the Megger SMRT Family of units. The same software also runs on the STVI, Smart Touch View Interface Hand-held controller for the SMRT family of units.

Every SMRT unit comes with RTMS Software for installing on a PC. It does not require a security dongle or license to operate, and can be loaded on as many customer owned PC’s as required. RTMS comes with two different levels, Standard and Enhanced.

The Standard level includes the manual test screen, semi-automatic and automatic tests for Simple and Advanced Ramping, Pickup and Timing of Over Current, Under Voltage and Over Voltage relays, Directional Over Current, Sequence tests for Reclosing and Transient Earth Fault simulation, Impedance (both generic and relay specific from various manufacturer’s), Three-phase Current Differential, and other special test applications such as the Fault Calculator, Harmonics Generator, Symmetrical Components, Simplified Power Swing, and much more. It also includes a Relay Library with over 200 specific relays from 31 different relay manufacturers.

The Enhanced level is hardware enabled when connected to a test set, which has the RTMS Enhanced feature enabled; see the SMRT Ordering Information for details. Enhanced includes tests for Synchronizer, Under / Over, and df/dt (ROCOF) Frequency relay Pick-up and Timing Tests, IEEE/IEC COMTRADE Transient Waveform playback, Enhanced Power Swing/Out of Step Simulator, SSI File Converter and playback, and IEC 61850 Megger GOOSE Configurator (MGC).


  • Export to Word changes (note that export to Word options are now located in the Tools, Export to Word menu)
  • Updates to address slow dongle detection
  • Enhanced conversion of very large Digital Recording Files (DFR) files
  • Fixed the dfr waitany “removed” for playback trigger (voltage or contact)
  • Enhanced the Dynamic Control when used in a Loop to address timing issues
  • Tc50/60 issue with SMRT. Trip times from Pulsar and MPRT are sent back in seconds, and AVTS converts to cycles – SMRT sends time back in cycles in when timing in the Cycles mode
  • Bat Sim VDC value is now stored as a variable (variable is “AVTSVDC”)
  • AVTS Help now opens on “Contents” tab
  • Add ability to resize the calc control box
  • Fixed “paste” data from Notepad into the calc control
  • Added Triggered Playback button to execute end-to-end test directly from the DFR Testing Screen
AVTS is a Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP®/Vista™/7 software program designed to manage all aspects of protective relay testing using the new Megger MPRT or older PULSAR relay test sets. More flexibility has been added as well as some new and powerful features.

AVTS comes in three different levels:
  • Basic
  • Advanced
  • Professional

Every MPRT unit comes with AVTS Basic.
The Basic version includes Online Vector, Ramp and Click-On-Fault controls with the ability to import, save and execute test modules. In addition, the Basic version includes enhanced Relay Test Wizards, including new wizards not previously available.

The Advanced version includes the Test Editor, Dynamic Control, Modbus, SS1 Converter, End-to-End test macros and basic programming Tools for creating and editing test modules.

The Professional version includes all of the features of the Basic and Advanced versions plus some new and powerful features. It includes the DFR Waveform Viewer, One-Touch Test, editor, and Waveform Digitizer.

PowerDB™ Pro

  • An entire organization’s results can be synchronized into a single database, scalable to Microsoft SQL Server, for easy retrieval and review.
  • One-step report generation maximizes timeliness and facilitates NERC compliance audits.
  • Easily trend results over time and compare to similar assets.
  • Track maintenance intervals and generate work orders for scheduled assets.
  • Merge results from multiple test instruments with data imports from other sources to facilitate queries and sorting. nMaintain calibration data for test instruments.
The Megger PowerDB is a powerful software package providing data management for each of your acceptance and maintenance testing jobs.

Customer and contract information is quickly sorted and searched. Opening a specific record shows detailed information about the job, such as type of service, order date, sales contact, and invoice information. Job information and related test results can be transferred between field-use databases and a master database. Job and Device Productivity Reports track the time spent testing, which aids in bidding future jobs as well as personnel evaluation.

Test Forms
Designed from a ground up approach, PowerDB utilizes over 160 industry standard test forms that have been developed and used over 20 years by industry specialists. Test data entry screens and printed forms are identical allowing intuitive operation. What you see on the screen is what is printed in the reports. Entire test documentation packages consisting of test reports, comment & deficiency summaries, table of contents and field service reports are created with a single step. Once created, reports can be delivered electronically via email, CD-ROM, web server or Adobe® Acrobat®.

Test forms are designed for the majority of the electrical apparatus on the market today.
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