DC Hipot testing

Megger is the originator of the insulation tester with over 100 years of experience and leadership in providing high performance insulation testers for electrical equipment diagnostic applications.

Regular insulation testing is one of the most cost effective methods of identifying aging in any type of electrical equipment. With over 60% of equipment failures being ascribed to insulation breakdown, it is a key area to monitor for early identification of potential failure problems.


  • Continuously variable test voltage
  • Rugged field construction
  • Compact and portable
The dc Dielectric Test Sets measure leakage current while applying a dc voltage at or above the insulation system's operating level. This measurement aids in determining the insulation system's ability to withstand overvoltages such as lightning strikes and switching surges.

Megohmmeter - 5 KV AND 15 KV MEGOHMMETER

  • Continuously variable test voltage
  • Rugged field construction
  • Circuit-breaker protection
The 5 and 15 kV Megohmmeters are high-voltage, line-operated instruments. They provide a continuously variable test voltage for highly sensitive insulation-resistance measurements of all types of electrical equipment and power cable.

The instruments are designed to withstand harsh field conditions, and feature tough, impact-resistance casing, removable lids and adjustable carrying straps. For complete portability, there is ample room in each case to store cables and the instruction manual. 


  • Continuously variable test voltage, 0 – 30 kV
  • Test current 0 - 330 µA
  • Output voltage accuracy, + 1.5% (full scale)
  • Built-in adjustable ionization indicator
  • Fail-safe grounding and “zero-start” switches
  • Rugged, compact, lightweight, and portable
The MIT30 is a 30 kV Insulation tester that has been developed to satisfy the demand for a variety of high voltage, high accuracy, low current applications in electrical distribution industries, aerospace and defense applications.

The unit offers unparallel accuracy and resolution, with a high voltage output from 0 to 30 kV dc., trip levels from 0 - 360 µA and a resolution of 1 nA (±1.5%). The MIT30 represents excellent precision in a field instrument, and gives the operator confidence in the meaningful results.

The MIT30 can be used to perform step-voltage and proof tests which, when incorporated into a routine maintenance program, can aid in predicting potential failure before breakdown occurs.
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